

For using RgZm, you need the Java Runtime Environment at least version 1.8 installed on your pc.

Preparing the Application(s) (Zip-file from www)

MS Windows

First unpack the zip file to a desired place (e.g. c:\programme). A folder named RgZm will be created. At program startup a special script is testing, if the system variable JAVA_HOME contains the path to the installed java environment on your system, e.g. c:\programme\Java\Jre1.6.0_06.

This variable has to be adapted using a folder choice dialog which appears, if JAVA_HOME is not set. Depending on your explorer settings, you will not see the file extension ".bat".


First unpack the zip file to a desired place (e.g. /home/<username>). A folder named RgZm will be created. Check in a terminal by execute echo $JAVA_HOME, if the system variable JAVA_HOME contains the path to the installed java environment on your system (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun- This variable has to be adapted if necessary.

Run Application(s)

With the delivered script files in subfolder bin the applications can be started.

Package installation

To quickly copy a RgZm package inclusive JRE and configuration the Package Builder should be used.
